Edgar Law Firm LLC Trial Lawyers

Adeptly Guarding Your Business’s Interests

Membership Or Pre-Paid Fee Refunds Due To COVID-19/Coronavirus

Edgar Law Firm understands this is a very tough time for everyone.  Many of us have pre-paid for services, memberships, and sports event.  For example, you may have a recurring gym membership, season tickets to sports events, season tickets to a particular music venue, or even pre-paid for online access to local/national sports events.  If you have pre-paid or recurring charges for such activities that are now unavailable as a result of the government mandated shutdowns due to the COVID-19/Coronavirus, you may be eligible for a refund of these charges/fees.  The attorneys at Edgar Law Firm are ready to assist you in obtaining your refund.

If you have pre-paid or recurring charges as described above and have been refused a refund, Edgar Law Firm wants to hear from you.  We will answer your questions and review your claim at no charge. Do not delay! Please contact John F. Edgar at 888-352-0338 or email [email protected]

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