Court Grants Conditional Certification Against Ajinomoto Windsor, Inc.
Edgar Law Firm LLC was recently successful in gaining conditional certification for a group of production floor workers in Murphy v. Ajinomoto Windsor, Inc., No. 1:15-cv-0120-JAR, pending in the United States District Court, Eastern District of Missouri. The plaintiff claims that Ajinomoto Windsor failed to pay workers at its Piedmont facility for time spent donning and doffing equipment and performing activities such as sanitizing hands and feet and walking to the production-line floor.
You are eligible to join this lawsuit if:
1. You are currently working or previously worked on the production-line floor of
Windsor’s Piedmont facility for any period of time after June 26, 2012
2. You were paid on hourly basis
3. You worked more than 40 hours in a week
In order to be included in this lawsuit, you must complete and sign the Consent to Join form at this link and return it to Edgar Law Firm LLC by AUGUST 29, 2017.
If you have any questions or require any additional information, please contact us toll-free at 888-352-0338, or at [email protected].